Commentary models


Introduction - Type of artwork (sculpture, painting, architecture...), aproximate date of elaboration,  possible authors (if you know it, name it), techniques used (depending on each art, they will be different: sculpture could be carved, modeled; paintings could be oil on canvas, water paints; architecture is either vaulted, lintelled or mixed.), style and historical context.

Analysis - Description and features of the style that you could see on the piece of art. This is the most crucial part.

Development - Extra details and knowledge that couldn't be written on your analysis or context. Inspiration of the author, stilistics, aesthetics, details about history...

Conclusion - If you haven't mentioned the authors yet, it's time. Also, similar pieces of art and authors that might have copied or be inspired afterwards by the ideas developed by this artist or with this type of art.


Introduction - Author, date, type (public or private), nature (politics, philosophy, judicial, religious...), intention, historical context (what happened in the era or before the time the text is talking about).

Analysis - Quote the ideas and explain them. You need to explain what the text SAYS, relating it with your knowledge.

Development - Explain the historical event where that text is inserted in (what you have studied about the IDEAS).

Conclusion - What happened afterwards? Has it been crucial on History? Where can we see its influences now? NO OPINIONS.


Introduction - Type of map (general --> several topics; or tematic --> one topic), approximate date (fist and last date shown on the map), title or general idea.

Analysis - Explain what each colour, line, border, arrow, sign, cross... stand for.

Development - Explain what you know (studied topics) related to the analysis you made.

Conclusion - What has happened after that map? How the situation evolved?  How did things develop eventually?